Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
All I Have is Christ
I once was lost in darkest night
Yet thought I knew the way
The sin that promised joy and life
Had led me to the grave
I had no hope that You would own
A rebel to Your will
And if You had not loved me first
I would refuse You still
But as I ran my hell-bound race
Indifferent to the cost
You looked upon my helpless state
And led me to the cross
And I beheld God’s love displayed
You suffered in my place
You bore the wrath reserved for me
Now all I know is grace
Hallelujah! All I have is Christ
Hallelujah! Jesus is my life
Now, Lord, I would be Yours alone
And live so all might see
The strength to follow Your commands
Could never come from me
Oh Father, use my ransomed life
In any way You choose
And let my song forever be
My only boast is You
© 2009 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI)
Monday, September 27, 2010
Economophobia: A Critical Analysis of Hayek and the Road to Serfdom
Here is an article written by my friend Christos Makridis. This can be view at
Economophobia: A Critical Analysis of Hayek and the Road to Serfdom
Unequivocal evidence indicates that the economy is suffering from what is characterized as the most catastrophic economic contraction since the Great Depression. Although these types of challenges are inevitable, policymakers can choose to react in productive or unproductive ways. History is plagued with decisions that have brought civilizations to their knees; however, history also is littered with success stories where nations have transcended their challenges towards more prosperous times. The United States is at the crossroads between two polar opposite worlds; in one world, the United States embarks on a failed path, traveled by the Weimar Republic, while in the other, the United States returns to its traditional roots. The choices that are made in the next year will determine the success or failure of the United States.
A Brief History of Germany Pre-World War I
The aftermath of World War I created a power vacuum; not only was Germany’s economy in a severe contraction as a result of debt payments and reparations, but also Germany’s political class was in chaos. In the aim to appeal to the public, a wide array of national associations formed, each promising their own version of prosperity and reconstruction. Yet, these parties were unable to retain their constituents in the face of ongoing economic, political, and social turmoil during the 1920s. Although the political class was organized, it remained vertically fragmented; its structure, from the top down, was unable to articulate and implement a cogent strategy with concrete results (Berman). Political incompetency, fused with severe circumstances, led to a significant deterioration of events.
Faced with the herculean challenge of restoring Germany’s previous economic might, the nation decided that the only way to catalyze their economy would be to start printing money at an accelerated rate. Because of Germany’s economic obligations, as per their agreement post-World War I, to the victor countries, Germany had approximately £6,600 million to pay in debt (HON). Despite Germany’s efforts to regain economic control, hyperinflation resulted due to the massive printing of national currency, plunging their economy into further debt. Specifically, Germany’s economic collapse eroded the distinction between the middle and lower classes, transforming everyone into a consumer with functionally zero bargaining power. As a result, the public became extremely susceptible to revolutionary goals and began to follow suit National Socialism, due to its temporary success in stabilizing the domestic currency (the National Socialist party replaced the Reichsbank with the Rentenmark). Soon, Adolf Hitler began arguing for a resurgence of German nationalism, appealing to populist and violent sentiments, eventually receiving massive decision-making power in the German government (Berman).
Wiemar and the United States: Similarities
Students of history understand that human nature follows a predictable pattern. Although we, as Christians, continually seek to improve, civilizations nonetheless make reoccurring errors in judgment. It is not enough to merely be cautious – we must also be proactive in our historical analysis and be ready to shift courses if necessary. Now, the danger is that the United States will follow the same path that the Weimar Republic took, guaranteeing an era of unprecedented tribulation and suffering.
Unfortunately, there are a variety of signs that signal impending danger in domestic and foreign policy decision-making. Yet, perhaps the most distressing signal in American politics lies in the nation’s ability to meet its economic debt obligations. Aside from the recent year’s accelerated rate of deficit spending, the United States has nearly $202 trillion in unfunded liabilities, including programs such as: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and government sponsored pension plans (Kotlikoff). As Laurence Kotlikoff, an esteemed economist[1] at Boston University, remarks, “Most likely we will see a combination of all three responses [massive benefit cuts for baby boomers, astronomical tax increases, and inflation] with dramatic increases in poverty, tax, interest rates and consumer prices.” Already, we see Laurence’s argument being falsified: poverty levels in the U.S. have increased by 3.8 million in the past year, price controls will limit the quality of care in the healthcare industry, and tax rates will skyrocket (PR Newswire; Taylor, et al).
With such distressing economic evidence, the chair of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, as well as other Federal Reserve members, has decided to begin what is known as “quantitative easing,” or monetizing the debt by printing money. Although Ben Bernanke said, on June 3, 2009, that he would not monetize the debt, policymakers are once again contradicting their past statements (Faler). That said, most of the economic policymakers never imagined that the federal government would accelerate this economic quagmire at such a quick rate, necessitating drastic economic measures to be taken, like quantitative easing. Although the United States has “the best and the brightest” working to resolve the economic contraction, Germany also had “the best and the brightest” during its economic collapse. No civilization is immune to poor decision-making.
Another dangerous sign of trouble, that parallels the Weimar Republic, is the acceleration of transfer payments and entitlement reform. With increasing calls to action by the Left, the federal government has dramatically increased the growth of the “welfare state.” As noted above, the poverty levels have increased in the past year more than any other year in U.S. history, apart from the Great Depression. Regardless of whether or not there is merit to legislation that expands transfer payments (Social Security, unemployment benefits, etc), there is unequivocal evidence that the federal government has been expanding its authority at an unprecedented rate. One should see this not merely as an ordinary expansion of power, but instead as a relationship sourced in the dependency of American citizens to its government – identical to the atmosphere of dependence that was prevalent in Germany post-World War I.
On the Precipice
Is there a moment in history where scholars can point to and conclude ‘this was when the country culminated its deviation from honor and the free market’? The most dangerous attribute of centrally planned economies is that they subtly “nudge” society in a certain direction. Policymakers do not create overtly totalitarian legislation. Instead, central planners slowly change the structural framework of a given society. If there is a “first step” in the process, it is the delegation of particular technical tasks to separate bodies (Hayek). It is interesting to note that the nation’s regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein, strongly favors this approach. While at the Harvard Law School, Sunstein published a paper in 2008 (in text at: that argues for the creation of “independent experts” that are tied with the government to “dispel” views that are contrary to public opinion (Greenwald). (Sunstein also coauthored the book “Nudge” that argues for slight nudges in a particular direction). In this sense, the federal government would be hiring individuals to “filter” conspiracy theories, albeit what constitutes a conspiracy will be purely subjective by nature.
That said, the purpose of this article is not to argue that the United States has already – or will become – socialist. Rather, these facts must serve as a warning to individuals that the country may repeat dangerous steps of the past. Of course, the United States – and every modernized economy – has used regulatory agencies to help facilitate the growth of the economy and check dangerous imbalances of power. Yet, students of history must pay close attention to recent developments because we have witnessed a dramatic increase in government and regulatory oversight. The danger is this: once a state takes it upon itself the task of planning economic life, serfdom and totalitarianism become inevitable.
Individualism v. Collectivism: The Dangers of Central Planning
But what does it mean to have a centrally planned economy? We hear celebrities and well known individuals, like Michael Moore and to a large extent Paul Krugman, derail capitalism as an irrational system that perpetuates oppression. Indeed, the goal of private industries is profit maximization, but that is not incompatible with charity, honesty, and righteousness. The central tenet that is rarely addressed lies in a deeper philosophical debate between individualism and collectivism.
Where do our rights come from? It is no surprise that the essential features of individualism are sourced in elements of Christianity and classical antiquity, which were implemented and revered the most during the Renaissance (Hayek). In this sense, respect for man and his innate ability to achieve is rooted in the desire for individual liberty and freedom. These freedoms must come from God only – not other individuals or entities. On the other hand, collectivism argues that an individual’s rights are derived from the government and relevant authorities. The United States’ founding fathers legitimately opposed this philosophy because they were divinely inspired. Individuals, such as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, knew that the government authority to control life would inevitably result in propaganda, suppression of knowledge, and hedonism. In the words of F. A. Hayek, a political economist who witnessed the rise of socialism in Nazi Germany:
Individualist ethics are general and absolute; they prescribe or prohibit a general type of action irrespective of whether in the particular instance the ultimate purpose is good or bad. To cheat or steal, to torture or betray a confidence, is held to be bad, irrespective of whether or not in the particular instance any harm follows from it… The principle that the end justifies the means in individualist ethics is regarded as the denial of all morals. In collectivist ethics, it becomes necessarily the supreme rule; there is literally nothing which the consistent collectivist must not be prepared to do if it serves “the good of the whole,” because “the good of the whole” is the only criterion of what ought to be done.
The essence of collectivism necessitates that one will inevitably pursue what is “good for the whole” – a motto which is pliable depending on the authority figure in power. More importantly, morality and personal responsibility are eliminated. Collectivism prohibits the opportunity for moral merit and the chance to prove one’s conviction by coercing individuals into a predetermined behavior. Because there is no truly autonomous choice under collectivism, repentance and personal responsibility is impossible. Economic and political arguments aside, the road to serfdom undermines the potential for living a moral and/or Christian life.
Virtue and Honor: The Road to Prosperity
As the founding fathers properly understood, decentralization and private enterprise is the only path towards individualism and personal responsibility. In a competitive society characterized by private enterprise, there is no single entity that can exercise even a fraction of the power that a social planning board would possess; to decentralize power is to necessarily reduce the amount of absolute power. The virtue of competition and a free market economy is its blindness; the forces of supply and demand do not subjectively isolate certain groups of individuals, prohibiting their success and/or worldviews. Instead, competition provides an atmosphere conducive to hard work and merit. In this sense, individuals are rewarded for the constant honing of their talents. As Christians, this is the only type of society that allows for the worship and glorification of God. Any alternative to individualism and the pursuit of excellence will result in coercion and forced choice – the antitheses of autonomy and moral choice.
Although individuals continue to debate the merits between national policy issues, like healthcare and financial reform, the basic tenets of individualism have proven to be the only path towards God. The classical understanding of individualism does not involve selfishness and greed, but rather a desire to perfect oneself into a more God-like individual, for we are all created in God’s image. As such, our duty is to behave like Christ in our journey to exemplify God’s love for humanity. For this reason, each of us must be aware of our environment and understand developments such that we can adapt our behavior to better fit the challenge. A resurgence in collectivism and central planning will not only make the international community worse off, but also result in hedonism and vice. As Christians, we must carefully scrutinize history, learning from the lessons of the past, so that we do not repeat our mistakes.
Sources Cited
Berman, Sheri. “Civil Society and the Collapse of the Weimar Republic.” World Politics 49.3 (1997): 401-429. JSTOR. Web. 18 Aug. 2010..
Faler, Brian. “Bernanke Warns Deficits Threaten Financial Stability.” Bloomberg. N.p., 3 June 2009. Web. 18 Aug. 2010..
Greenwald, Glenn. “Obama confidant’s spine-chilling proposal.” Salon. N.p., Jan. 2010. Web. 18 Aug.
Hayek, F. A. The Road to Serfdom. Ed. Bruce Caldwell. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1944.
Kotlikoff, Laurence. “U.S. Is Bankrupt and We Don’t Even Know It.” Bloomberg. N.p., 10 Aug. 2010. Web. 17 Sept. 2010..
“Nation’s Largest Hunger Relief Organization Responds to New Poverty Numbers.” PR Newswire. N.p., 16 Sept. 2010. Web. 17 Sept. 2010..
“Study Finds Continued Growth in Federal Regulatory Spending & Staffing.” Murray Weidenbaum Center.
Taylor, John, et al. “Principles for Economic Revival.” Wall Street Journal. N.p., 16 Sept. 2010. Web. 17 Sept. 2010..
“World War One – The Treaty of Versailles.” History on the Net. N.p., 2010. Web. 17 Sept. 2010.. [abbreviated HON]
Economophobia: A Critical Analysis of Hayek and the Road to Serfdom
Unequivocal evidence indicates that the economy is suffering from what is characterized as the most catastrophic economic contraction since the Great Depression. Although these types of challenges are inevitable, policymakers can choose to react in productive or unproductive ways. History is plagued with decisions that have brought civilizations to their knees; however, history also is littered with success stories where nations have transcended their challenges towards more prosperous times. The United States is at the crossroads between two polar opposite worlds; in one world, the United States embarks on a failed path, traveled by the Weimar Republic, while in the other, the United States returns to its traditional roots. The choices that are made in the next year will determine the success or failure of the United States.
A Brief History of Germany Pre-World War I
The aftermath of World War I created a power vacuum; not only was Germany’s economy in a severe contraction as a result of debt payments and reparations, but also Germany’s political class was in chaos. In the aim to appeal to the public, a wide array of national associations formed, each promising their own version of prosperity and reconstruction. Yet, these parties were unable to retain their constituents in the face of ongoing economic, political, and social turmoil during the 1920s. Although the political class was organized, it remained vertically fragmented; its structure, from the top down, was unable to articulate and implement a cogent strategy with concrete results (Berman). Political incompetency, fused with severe circumstances, led to a significant deterioration of events.
Faced with the herculean challenge of restoring Germany’s previous economic might, the nation decided that the only way to catalyze their economy would be to start printing money at an accelerated rate. Because of Germany’s economic obligations, as per their agreement post-World War I, to the victor countries, Germany had approximately £6,600 million to pay in debt (HON). Despite Germany’s efforts to regain economic control, hyperinflation resulted due to the massive printing of national currency, plunging their economy into further debt. Specifically, Germany’s economic collapse eroded the distinction between the middle and lower classes, transforming everyone into a consumer with functionally zero bargaining power. As a result, the public became extremely susceptible to revolutionary goals and began to follow suit National Socialism, due to its temporary success in stabilizing the domestic currency (the National Socialist party replaced the Reichsbank with the Rentenmark). Soon, Adolf Hitler began arguing for a resurgence of German nationalism, appealing to populist and violent sentiments, eventually receiving massive decision-making power in the German government (Berman).
Wiemar and the United States: Similarities
Students of history understand that human nature follows a predictable pattern. Although we, as Christians, continually seek to improve, civilizations nonetheless make reoccurring errors in judgment. It is not enough to merely be cautious – we must also be proactive in our historical analysis and be ready to shift courses if necessary. Now, the danger is that the United States will follow the same path that the Weimar Republic took, guaranteeing an era of unprecedented tribulation and suffering.
Unfortunately, there are a variety of signs that signal impending danger in domestic and foreign policy decision-making. Yet, perhaps the most distressing signal in American politics lies in the nation’s ability to meet its economic debt obligations. Aside from the recent year’s accelerated rate of deficit spending, the United States has nearly $202 trillion in unfunded liabilities, including programs such as: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and government sponsored pension plans (Kotlikoff). As Laurence Kotlikoff, an esteemed economist[1] at Boston University, remarks, “Most likely we will see a combination of all three responses [massive benefit cuts for baby boomers, astronomical tax increases, and inflation] with dramatic increases in poverty, tax, interest rates and consumer prices.” Already, we see Laurence’s argument being falsified: poverty levels in the U.S. have increased by 3.8 million in the past year, price controls will limit the quality of care in the healthcare industry, and tax rates will skyrocket (PR Newswire; Taylor, et al).
With such distressing economic evidence, the chair of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, as well as other Federal Reserve members, has decided to begin what is known as “quantitative easing,” or monetizing the debt by printing money. Although Ben Bernanke said, on June 3, 2009, that he would not monetize the debt, policymakers are once again contradicting their past statements (Faler). That said, most of the economic policymakers never imagined that the federal government would accelerate this economic quagmire at such a quick rate, necessitating drastic economic measures to be taken, like quantitative easing. Although the United States has “the best and the brightest” working to resolve the economic contraction, Germany also had “the best and the brightest” during its economic collapse. No civilization is immune to poor decision-making.
Another dangerous sign of trouble, that parallels the Weimar Republic, is the acceleration of transfer payments and entitlement reform. With increasing calls to action by the Left, the federal government has dramatically increased the growth of the “welfare state.” As noted above, the poverty levels have increased in the past year more than any other year in U.S. history, apart from the Great Depression. Regardless of whether or not there is merit to legislation that expands transfer payments (Social Security, unemployment benefits, etc), there is unequivocal evidence that the federal government has been expanding its authority at an unprecedented rate. One should see this not merely as an ordinary expansion of power, but instead as a relationship sourced in the dependency of American citizens to its government – identical to the atmosphere of dependence that was prevalent in Germany post-World War I.
On the Precipice
Is there a moment in history where scholars can point to and conclude ‘this was when the country culminated its deviation from honor and the free market’? The most dangerous attribute of centrally planned economies is that they subtly “nudge” society in a certain direction. Policymakers do not create overtly totalitarian legislation. Instead, central planners slowly change the structural framework of a given society. If there is a “first step” in the process, it is the delegation of particular technical tasks to separate bodies (Hayek). It is interesting to note that the nation’s regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein, strongly favors this approach. While at the Harvard Law School, Sunstein published a paper in 2008 (in text at: that argues for the creation of “independent experts” that are tied with the government to “dispel” views that are contrary to public opinion (Greenwald). (Sunstein also coauthored the book “Nudge” that argues for slight nudges in a particular direction). In this sense, the federal government would be hiring individuals to “filter” conspiracy theories, albeit what constitutes a conspiracy will be purely subjective by nature.
That said, the purpose of this article is not to argue that the United States has already – or will become – socialist. Rather, these facts must serve as a warning to individuals that the country may repeat dangerous steps of the past. Of course, the United States – and every modernized economy – has used regulatory agencies to help facilitate the growth of the economy and check dangerous imbalances of power. Yet, students of history must pay close attention to recent developments because we have witnessed a dramatic increase in government and regulatory oversight. The danger is this: once a state takes it upon itself the task of planning economic life, serfdom and totalitarianism become inevitable.
Individualism v. Collectivism: The Dangers of Central Planning
But what does it mean to have a centrally planned economy? We hear celebrities and well known individuals, like Michael Moore and to a large extent Paul Krugman, derail capitalism as an irrational system that perpetuates oppression. Indeed, the goal of private industries is profit maximization, but that is not incompatible with charity, honesty, and righteousness. The central tenet that is rarely addressed lies in a deeper philosophical debate between individualism and collectivism.
Where do our rights come from? It is no surprise that the essential features of individualism are sourced in elements of Christianity and classical antiquity, which were implemented and revered the most during the Renaissance (Hayek). In this sense, respect for man and his innate ability to achieve is rooted in the desire for individual liberty and freedom. These freedoms must come from God only – not other individuals or entities. On the other hand, collectivism argues that an individual’s rights are derived from the government and relevant authorities. The United States’ founding fathers legitimately opposed this philosophy because they were divinely inspired. Individuals, such as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, knew that the government authority to control life would inevitably result in propaganda, suppression of knowledge, and hedonism. In the words of F. A. Hayek, a political economist who witnessed the rise of socialism in Nazi Germany:
Individualist ethics are general and absolute; they prescribe or prohibit a general type of action irrespective of whether in the particular instance the ultimate purpose is good or bad. To cheat or steal, to torture or betray a confidence, is held to be bad, irrespective of whether or not in the particular instance any harm follows from it… The principle that the end justifies the means in individualist ethics is regarded as the denial of all morals. In collectivist ethics, it becomes necessarily the supreme rule; there is literally nothing which the consistent collectivist must not be prepared to do if it serves “the good of the whole,” because “the good of the whole” is the only criterion of what ought to be done.
The essence of collectivism necessitates that one will inevitably pursue what is “good for the whole” – a motto which is pliable depending on the authority figure in power. More importantly, morality and personal responsibility are eliminated. Collectivism prohibits the opportunity for moral merit and the chance to prove one’s conviction by coercing individuals into a predetermined behavior. Because there is no truly autonomous choice under collectivism, repentance and personal responsibility is impossible. Economic and political arguments aside, the road to serfdom undermines the potential for living a moral and/or Christian life.
Virtue and Honor: The Road to Prosperity
As the founding fathers properly understood, decentralization and private enterprise is the only path towards individualism and personal responsibility. In a competitive society characterized by private enterprise, there is no single entity that can exercise even a fraction of the power that a social planning board would possess; to decentralize power is to necessarily reduce the amount of absolute power. The virtue of competition and a free market economy is its blindness; the forces of supply and demand do not subjectively isolate certain groups of individuals, prohibiting their success and/or worldviews. Instead, competition provides an atmosphere conducive to hard work and merit. In this sense, individuals are rewarded for the constant honing of their talents. As Christians, this is the only type of society that allows for the worship and glorification of God. Any alternative to individualism and the pursuit of excellence will result in coercion and forced choice – the antitheses of autonomy and moral choice.
Although individuals continue to debate the merits between national policy issues, like healthcare and financial reform, the basic tenets of individualism have proven to be the only path towards God. The classical understanding of individualism does not involve selfishness and greed, but rather a desire to perfect oneself into a more God-like individual, for we are all created in God’s image. As such, our duty is to behave like Christ in our journey to exemplify God’s love for humanity. For this reason, each of us must be aware of our environment and understand developments such that we can adapt our behavior to better fit the challenge. A resurgence in collectivism and central planning will not only make the international community worse off, but also result in hedonism and vice. As Christians, we must carefully scrutinize history, learning from the lessons of the past, so that we do not repeat our mistakes.
Sources Cited
Berman, Sheri. “Civil Society and the Collapse of the Weimar Republic.” World Politics 49.3 (1997): 401-429. JSTOR. Web. 18 Aug. 2010.
Faler, Brian. “Bernanke Warns Deficits Threaten Financial Stability.” Bloomberg. N.p., 3 June 2009. Web. 18 Aug. 2010.
Greenwald, Glenn. “Obama confidant’s spine-chilling proposal.” Salon. N.p., Jan. 2010. Web. 18 Aug.
Hayek, F. A. The Road to Serfdom. Ed. Bruce Caldwell. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1944.
Kotlikoff, Laurence. “U.S. Is Bankrupt and We Don’t Even Know It.” Bloomberg. N.p., 10 Aug. 2010. Web. 17 Sept. 2010.
“Nation’s Largest Hunger Relief Organization Responds to New Poverty Numbers.” PR Newswire. N.p., 16 Sept. 2010. Web. 17 Sept. 2010.
“Study Finds Continued Growth in Federal Regulatory Spending & Staffing.” Murray Weidenbaum Center.
Taylor, John, et al. “Principles for Economic Revival.” Wall Street Journal. N.p., 16 Sept. 2010. Web. 17 Sept. 2010.
“World War One – The Treaty of Versailles.” History on the Net. N.p., 2010. Web. 17 Sept. 2010.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Wall Street Journal: How to Raise Boys Who Read
Here is an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal called "How to Raise Boys who Read."
Here are some points I want to make out....
1. In America today, men are not being men... Period. The American family is broken down and the concept of Biblical manhood is lost in our culture. Instead, boys are more into video games and other forms of entertainment instead of learning. The article states;
The appearance of the boy-girl literacy gap happens to coincide with the proliferation of video games and other electronic forms of entertainment over the last decade or two. Boys spend far more time "plugged in" than girls do. Could the reading gap have more to do with competition for boys' attention than with their supposed inability to focus on anything other than outhouse humor?
Dr. Robert Weis, a psychology professor at Denison University, confirmed this suspicion in a randomized controlled trial of the effect of video games on academic ability. Boys with video games at home, he found, spend more time playing them than reading, and their academic performance suffers substantially. Hard to believe, isn't it, but Science has spoken.
2. Those with strong families tend to not have this problem. The article states again;
offer a final piece of evidence that is perhaps unanswerable: There is no literacy gap between home-schooled boys and girls. How many of these families, do you suppose, have thrown grossology parties?
If parents get their act back together, we would not have many of the problems we are currently having today. America within the next couple of decades will lose its military strength, scientific edge, and freedom if the family is not restored. They need to get involved in raising their own children and not have the state do it for them(Through the public school system). Al Mohler writes;
Don’t reward with video games. Instead, take the games away. If parents do not restrict time spent with digital devices, boys will never learn to read and to love reading.
3. This is a step towards America losing its freedom. Abolition of the family is a goal towards a Communist society. Karl Marx writes;
Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.
On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among the proletarians, and in public prostitution.
The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.
Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty.
But, you say, we destroy the most hallowed of relations, when we replace home education by social.
And your education! Is not that also social, and determined by the social conditions under which you educate, by the intervention direct or indirect, of society, by means of schools, &c.? The Communists have not invented the intervention of society in education; they do but seek to alter the character of that intervention, and to rescue education from the influence of the ruling class.
As you can see, the family is a threat to an expanding government. It can provide for itself. The family according to scripture has rulers(mother/father) and subjects(children) that only a national government can imitate. Parents, if your son is addicted to video games or whatever, take it away. You'll be glad you made that choice.
Here are some points I want to make out....
1. In America today, men are not being men... Period. The American family is broken down and the concept of Biblical manhood is lost in our culture. Instead, boys are more into video games and other forms of entertainment instead of learning. The article states;
The appearance of the boy-girl literacy gap happens to coincide with the proliferation of video games and other electronic forms of entertainment over the last decade or two. Boys spend far more time "plugged in" than girls do. Could the reading gap have more to do with competition for boys' attention than with their supposed inability to focus on anything other than outhouse humor?
Dr. Robert Weis, a psychology professor at Denison University, confirmed this suspicion in a randomized controlled trial of the effect of video games on academic ability. Boys with video games at home, he found, spend more time playing them than reading, and their academic performance suffers substantially. Hard to believe, isn't it, but Science has spoken.
2. Those with strong families tend to not have this problem. The article states again;
offer a final piece of evidence that is perhaps unanswerable: There is no literacy gap between home-schooled boys and girls. How many of these families, do you suppose, have thrown grossology parties?
If parents get their act back together, we would not have many of the problems we are currently having today. America within the next couple of decades will lose its military strength, scientific edge, and freedom if the family is not restored. They need to get involved in raising their own children and not have the state do it for them(Through the public school system). Al Mohler writes;
Don’t reward with video games. Instead, take the games away. If parents do not restrict time spent with digital devices, boys will never learn to read and to love reading.
3. This is a step towards America losing its freedom. Abolition of the family is a goal towards a Communist society. Karl Marx writes;
Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.
On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among the proletarians, and in public prostitution.
The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.
Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty.
But, you say, we destroy the most hallowed of relations, when we replace home education by social.
And your education! Is not that also social, and determined by the social conditions under which you educate, by the intervention direct or indirect, of society, by means of schools, &c.? The Communists have not invented the intervention of society in education; they do but seek to alter the character of that intervention, and to rescue education from the influence of the ruling class.
As you can see, the family is a threat to an expanding government. It can provide for itself. The family according to scripture has rulers(mother/father) and subjects(children) that only a national government can imitate. Parents, if your son is addicted to video games or whatever, take it away. You'll be glad you made that choice.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
C.J. Mahaney: The Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Spiritual Dehydration
I just read a post by C.J. Mahaney on Spiritual which I hope will bless your soul. The link is Here is the post. Enjoy!
Let me begin this post by asking you four direct questions about the condition of your soul right now:
Do you sense that your affections for the Savior have diminished recently?
Has your appetite for Scripture weakened?
Does your soul seem dry?
Does God seem distant from you?
If so, you are not alone. These struggles are common to even the most mature Christians—so common that Scripture anticipates them. But these are serious problems and must be addressed and not ignored. They don’t just go away over time.
So how should we respond?
Tucked away in the short (and often neglected) letter of Jude we find help and hope:
But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. (Jude 1:20–21)
In these verses we find a command and three practical ways to obey the command.
The command
First, the command: "Keep yourselves in the love of God." This is our responsibility and it requires effort on our part. The good news is that Jude doesn’t leave us guessing. One commentator writes, “Jude did not leave his congregation in suspense about how to keep themselves in God’s love.”[1]
No, he does not leave us in suspense or wondering how to do this. In fact Jude wonderfully provides us with three means by which the reader can keep himself in the love of God.
1. Remind yourself of the gospel (“building yourselves up in your most holy faith”).
The “most holy faith” is the gospel. And the first way we keep ourselves in the love of God is to grow in our understanding of the gospel and to remind ourselves of the gospel each day. There is no more effective way to keep yourself in the love of God each day than to remind yourself of the gospel.
As you meditate upon the gospel, as you preach the gospel to yourself, as you receive the gospel into your soul afresh each day, your awareness of the love of God increases and your affection for the Savior grows.
So how much time do you devote each day to the strategic study, thinking, meditation, contemplation, reflection, and proclamation of the gospel to your own soul as a means of keeping yourself in the love of God?
Review the content of the gospel, rehearse the content of this “most holy faith,” and rejoice in the gospel each and every day. What a sweet assignment! And as we do this we are keeping ourselves in the love of God.
2. Pray in the Holy Spirit (“praying in the Holy Spirit”).
An awareness of God’s love cannot be sustained without prayer. Nor can a relationship with God be maintained or cultivated apart from prayer. So Jude commands us to pray. In dependence upon the Spirit, we pray to God the Father, through the Mediator he has provided in Jesus Christ.
We pray to God at the beginning of the day. We pray at structured times in our day. We pray spontaneously throughout the day. Prayer is not only a discipline it is a means of keeping ourselves in the love of God. This perspective will transform our perspective of prayer and our practice of prayer.
3. Await Christ’s return (“waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life”).
Waiting is not my preference. I don’t believe in lines! I try to avoid waiting in lines at the grocery store and I try to avoid traffic on the road. In fact I’d rather be moving in the wrong direction than stuck in traffic going in the right direction.
On the other hand, I don’t mind waiting 45 minutes for a table when I’m at a restaurant on a date with my wife. Why not? For the next 45 minutes I will look into the eyes of the woman I love with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. There’s a big difference between waiting in line at the grocery store and waiting 45 minutes to be seated when I’m at a restaurant with my wife.
As Christians we wait. But we await the mercy of our Savior that brings eternal life. Think about that! We do not wait for God’s judgment or condemnation. We do no wait for God’s wrath that our sins deserve! No, we are anticipating mercy. We anticipate mercy because Jesus Christ suffered as our substitute, receiving upon himself the wrath we deserve so that we receive mercy—mercy we don’t deserve. That is what we are waiting for.
As we anticipate the future our perspective of present circumstances will be transformed. It will keep us aware of God’s love. On the other hand, "Those who take their eyes off their future hope will find that their love for God is slowly evaporating.”[2]
So are you waiting with eager anticipation? How often do you think about Christ’s return (Titus 2:13)? How often do you think of the new heavens and the new earth (Revelation 21:1–4)? How often do you think of eternal life? And how often do you think about the mercy you will receive in light of the judgment that we so richly deserve?
This eternal perspective will keep us aware of God’s love.
Reminding, praying, waiting—this is how we remain aware of God’s love.
To be honest my grip upon God is sometimes weak. I don’t flawlessly keep myself in the love of God daily. I don’t. My love for Him fluctuates. But while my love for him is uncertain, His love for me is fixed. We keep ourselves in the love of God because God is keeping us in his grasp.
Both at the beginning of this short letter (v. 1) and near the end (v. 24), Jude reminds us that our safety is in the Father’s hold upon us and his preserving grace. As Puritan Richard Sibbes once wrote, “As we say of the mother and the child, both hold, but the safety of the child is at that the mother holds him.”
His grip never weakens.
When I neglect the means that He has given me to keep myself in the love of God, when my grip upon him weakens and my love fluctuates, His grip upon me does not weaken and never changes.
God promises to “keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy” (v. 24). This promise is an enormous assurance for our souls, and especially for those who feel as if their love for God has diminished. Receive this assurance provided from Jude: Our hearts may shift and change but God’s love for you is unchanging. May we keep ourselves aware of God’s unchanging love toward us in the gospel.
If we fail to attend to our hearts, if we fail to attend to our relationship with God, if we fail to obey this gracious command to “keep ourselves in the love of God,” the consequences upon our souls are inevitable. The consequences may not be immediately obvious, but a persisting pattern of neglect will become obvious in time.
So have your affections for the Savior diminished? If so, ask yourself these questions from Jude:
Am I preaching the gospel to my own soul each day?
Am I praying with any level of consistency?
Am I eagerly awaiting Christ’s return and am I longing for heaven?
For more on this topic see C.J.'s recent sermon "Jude: A Call to Contend," at Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, MN (Sept. 12, 2010).
[1] Tom Schreiner, 1, 2 Peter, Jude (NAC), p. 474.
[2] Tom Schreiner, 1, 2 Peter, Jude (NAC), p. 484.
Let me begin this post by asking you four direct questions about the condition of your soul right now:
Do you sense that your affections for the Savior have diminished recently?
Has your appetite for Scripture weakened?
Does your soul seem dry?
Does God seem distant from you?
If so, you are not alone. These struggles are common to even the most mature Christians—so common that Scripture anticipates them. But these are serious problems and must be addressed and not ignored. They don’t just go away over time.
So how should we respond?
Tucked away in the short (and often neglected) letter of Jude we find help and hope:
But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. (Jude 1:20–21)
In these verses we find a command and three practical ways to obey the command.
The command
First, the command: "Keep yourselves in the love of God." This is our responsibility and it requires effort on our part. The good news is that Jude doesn’t leave us guessing. One commentator writes, “Jude did not leave his congregation in suspense about how to keep themselves in God’s love.”[1]
No, he does not leave us in suspense or wondering how to do this. In fact Jude wonderfully provides us with three means by which the reader can keep himself in the love of God.
1. Remind yourself of the gospel (“building yourselves up in your most holy faith”).
The “most holy faith” is the gospel. And the first way we keep ourselves in the love of God is to grow in our understanding of the gospel and to remind ourselves of the gospel each day. There is no more effective way to keep yourself in the love of God each day than to remind yourself of the gospel.
As you meditate upon the gospel, as you preach the gospel to yourself, as you receive the gospel into your soul afresh each day, your awareness of the love of God increases and your affection for the Savior grows.
So how much time do you devote each day to the strategic study, thinking, meditation, contemplation, reflection, and proclamation of the gospel to your own soul as a means of keeping yourself in the love of God?
Review the content of the gospel, rehearse the content of this “most holy faith,” and rejoice in the gospel each and every day. What a sweet assignment! And as we do this we are keeping ourselves in the love of God.
2. Pray in the Holy Spirit (“praying in the Holy Spirit”).
An awareness of God’s love cannot be sustained without prayer. Nor can a relationship with God be maintained or cultivated apart from prayer. So Jude commands us to pray. In dependence upon the Spirit, we pray to God the Father, through the Mediator he has provided in Jesus Christ.
We pray to God at the beginning of the day. We pray at structured times in our day. We pray spontaneously throughout the day. Prayer is not only a discipline it is a means of keeping ourselves in the love of God. This perspective will transform our perspective of prayer and our practice of prayer.
3. Await Christ’s return (“waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life”).
Waiting is not my preference. I don’t believe in lines! I try to avoid waiting in lines at the grocery store and I try to avoid traffic on the road. In fact I’d rather be moving in the wrong direction than stuck in traffic going in the right direction.
On the other hand, I don’t mind waiting 45 minutes for a table when I’m at a restaurant on a date with my wife. Why not? For the next 45 minutes I will look into the eyes of the woman I love with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. There’s a big difference between waiting in line at the grocery store and waiting 45 minutes to be seated when I’m at a restaurant with my wife.
As Christians we wait. But we await the mercy of our Savior that brings eternal life. Think about that! We do not wait for God’s judgment or condemnation. We do no wait for God’s wrath that our sins deserve! No, we are anticipating mercy. We anticipate mercy because Jesus Christ suffered as our substitute, receiving upon himself the wrath we deserve so that we receive mercy—mercy we don’t deserve. That is what we are waiting for.
As we anticipate the future our perspective of present circumstances will be transformed. It will keep us aware of God’s love. On the other hand, "Those who take their eyes off their future hope will find that their love for God is slowly evaporating.”[2]
So are you waiting with eager anticipation? How often do you think about Christ’s return (Titus 2:13)? How often do you think of the new heavens and the new earth (Revelation 21:1–4)? How often do you think of eternal life? And how often do you think about the mercy you will receive in light of the judgment that we so richly deserve?
This eternal perspective will keep us aware of God’s love.
Reminding, praying, waiting—this is how we remain aware of God’s love.
To be honest my grip upon God is sometimes weak. I don’t flawlessly keep myself in the love of God daily. I don’t. My love for Him fluctuates. But while my love for him is uncertain, His love for me is fixed. We keep ourselves in the love of God because God is keeping us in his grasp.
Both at the beginning of this short letter (v. 1) and near the end (v. 24), Jude reminds us that our safety is in the Father’s hold upon us and his preserving grace. As Puritan Richard Sibbes once wrote, “As we say of the mother and the child, both hold, but the safety of the child is at that the mother holds him.”
His grip never weakens.
When I neglect the means that He has given me to keep myself in the love of God, when my grip upon him weakens and my love fluctuates, His grip upon me does not weaken and never changes.
God promises to “keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy” (v. 24). This promise is an enormous assurance for our souls, and especially for those who feel as if their love for God has diminished. Receive this assurance provided from Jude: Our hearts may shift and change but God’s love for you is unchanging. May we keep ourselves aware of God’s unchanging love toward us in the gospel.
If we fail to attend to our hearts, if we fail to attend to our relationship with God, if we fail to obey this gracious command to “keep ourselves in the love of God,” the consequences upon our souls are inevitable. The consequences may not be immediately obvious, but a persisting pattern of neglect will become obvious in time.
So have your affections for the Savior diminished? If so, ask yourself these questions from Jude:
Am I preaching the gospel to my own soul each day?
Am I praying with any level of consistency?
Am I eagerly awaiting Christ’s return and am I longing for heaven?
For more on this topic see C.J.'s recent sermon "Jude: A Call to Contend," at Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, MN (Sept. 12, 2010).
[1] Tom Schreiner, 1, 2 Peter, Jude (NAC), p. 474.
[2] Tom Schreiner, 1, 2 Peter, Jude (NAC), p. 484.
Resources on Biblical Eschatology has some good articles out on this topic. Before Jerusalem Fell by Kenneth Gentry He Shall Have Dominion by Kenneth Gentry I recommend Jeff Purswell's message on the End Times. Of course, all the other messages on there are good. Paradise Restored by David Chilton Days of Vengence by David Chilton
Hope this helps! Before Jerusalem Fell by Kenneth Gentry He Shall Have Dominion by Kenneth Gentry I recommend Jeff Purswell's message on the End Times. Of course, all the other messages on there are good. Paradise Restored by David Chilton Days of Vengence by David Chilton
Hope this helps!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Perfect Lamb of God
Here is a song that has affected me for some time now. It is "Perfect Lamb of God" written by Adam Sacks. It is copyrighted by Sovereign Grace Music.
The light of day was cloaked by night
And heaven closed its eyes
Wrath unspared for countless sins
The guiltless crucified
Hands of kindness driven through
Back on splintered beam
The holy curtain torn in two
Atonement made for me
Hail the perfect Lamb of God
A kingly ransom paid
When You, my Lord, were slain
Love unrivaled here displayed
Calls my heart to praise
The perfect Lamb of God
Insults mock the Son of God
The angels are restrained
But all the cup must be endured
For sinners to be saved
Can grace prevail in such a day
Of scandal and of scorn?
But with a cry “Forgive” You claim
Traitors as Your own
As You drew Your final breath
My debt was satisfied
And love divine in glorious might
Would vanquish death and rise
© 2004 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP).
The light of day was cloaked by night
And heaven closed its eyes
Wrath unspared for countless sins
The guiltless crucified
Hands of kindness driven through
Back on splintered beam
The holy curtain torn in two
Atonement made for me
Hail the perfect Lamb of God
A kingly ransom paid
When You, my Lord, were slain
Love unrivaled here displayed
Calls my heart to praise
The perfect Lamb of God
Insults mock the Son of God
The angels are restrained
But all the cup must be endured
For sinners to be saved
Can grace prevail in such a day
Of scandal and of scorn?
But with a cry “Forgive” You claim
Traitors as Your own
As You drew Your final breath
My debt was satisfied
And love divine in glorious might
Would vanquish death and rise
© 2004 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP).
Friday, September 17, 2010
Al Mohler: Marriage in a Post-Proposition 8 Culture
I stumbled upon this video on this site
I strongly believe we need to keep ourselves informed on issues such as homosexual marriage, abortion, radical feminism, and other important issues. We need to do this because if we want to preach the gospel to others, we need to know what lies on the battlefield. For young people, we need to prepare ourselves for what lies ahead and how we can deal with these issues. It is of paramount importance. If the Church takes a philosophy of defeat, nothing will get done and things will continue to get worse with that kind of thinking. The Gospel will never be proclaimed and we will be disobeying God for not obeying his command to disciple all nations(Matthew 28). I pray that the church repents from its defeatist attitude that it has today and be prepared to fight the battle.
I strongly believe we need to keep ourselves informed on issues such as homosexual marriage, abortion, radical feminism, and other important issues. We need to do this because if we want to preach the gospel to others, we need to know what lies on the battlefield. For young people, we need to prepare ourselves for what lies ahead and how we can deal with these issues. It is of paramount importance. If the Church takes a philosophy of defeat, nothing will get done and things will continue to get worse with that kind of thinking. The Gospel will never be proclaimed and we will be disobeying God for not obeying his command to disciple all nations(Matthew 28). I pray that the church repents from its defeatist attitude that it has today and be prepared to fight the battle.
H.R. 875 Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009
Here is a bill that is currently going through congress right. Read it here at It is better to read a bill than to have someone tell you what is in a bill.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Book Review God and Government
Here is something new that I will be doing. I will be looking at books and be recommending them to you. The first book is God and Government: A Biblical and Historical Study by Gary DeMar. If you want to know America's historical heritage, this is the book to read.
What do you think when you hear the word government? Do you think about the Capitol Building or say "the government will take care of us?" Those are modern today terms that reflect the socialistic mindset of many Americans. government is more than that! The state is just one government among many, there are individual, family, church, and civil governments. Today, nobody sees it that way. Author Gary DeMar writes, "If generations continue to be indoctrinated with the modern definition, as they have been, they will neglect their own personal, family, church, and local governing duties. They will believe that these duties are outside their area of authority and responsibility. Each generation will become more dependent on the 'benevolent' state for their care and security."(Page 5) Throughout this book, your view on what government has been will be turned upside down! You can order this book at It is worth the $15-20 that you can spend on video games or whatever.
What do you think when you hear the word government? Do you think about the Capitol Building or say "the government will take care of us?" Those are modern today terms that reflect the socialistic mindset of many Americans. government is more than that! The state is just one government among many, there are individual, family, church, and civil governments. Today, nobody sees it that way. Author Gary DeMar writes, "If generations continue to be indoctrinated with the modern definition, as they have been, they will neglect their own personal, family, church, and local governing duties. They will believe that these duties are outside their area of authority and responsibility. Each generation will become more dependent on the 'benevolent' state for their care and security."(Page 5) Throughout this book, your view on what government has been will be turned upside down! You can order this book at It is worth the $15-20 that you can spend on video games or whatever.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
What Christians Should Learn
At this moment, I am looking at a debate that is saddening my heart.( in the comment box, the video is AMAZING if you want to watch it) There are a couple of things I have notice that reflects the current state that American Christianity is really in. Here are a few things I have noted;
-First, Christians really do not know their opponents' arguments. When it comes to debating evolution, alot of the arguments that come from Ken Ham or the Evolution Handbook will go down the drain quickly. Arguing that science says the Earth is 6,000 years old will not convince an atheist of your point of view. That is a rather weak argument. You see, we have something that we view the world and everything in it called a worldview. As Christians, we intepret the world and everything in it(History, philosophy, politics, etc.)through the lens of Scripture. An atheist inteprets the world in accords with himself and the presupposition that God does not exist. Within the past century, the philosophies of neo-darwinism,post-modernism, and Marxism have crept into the American way of life. The sad thing is a majority of Christians themselves have embraced those ideas. Christians today do not have any discernment at all.
-Secondly, Christians need to have a better grasp at spelling and proper grammar. It is a shame to Christianity and Church of Jesus Christ that Christians do not know how to spell basic words. When unbelievers read writings from the average Christian, they might view Christianity as full of unintelligent,retarded,dumb people. Sorry that I said those three unpleasant words, but we need to differentiate ourselves from the unintelligent by raising the bar. Christians need to learn how to write and how to spell words such as wednesday, Christian, or even the word "for"( Which most people use the number 4 instead of the word) We need to show a lost and dying world the light not by being apart of the darkness, but by being more Christ-like.
-Thirdly,name calling is not going to get you anywhere. It is just going to make things worst. Calling somebody stupid is not an effective way to debate. Proper debate is about the topic your debating and never about the person your debating. What this unbeliever did in the debate by calling everyone who argued against a "retart" is not the way to portray your position. Even Christians said things such as "I hope you burn in hell" and called the atheist names. Guys, we are suppose to represent Christ in all that we do. I hate to say this, we are becoming more like the world and less like Christ.
-First, Christians really do not know their opponents' arguments. When it comes to debating evolution, alot of the arguments that come from Ken Ham or the Evolution Handbook will go down the drain quickly. Arguing that science says the Earth is 6,000 years old will not convince an atheist of your point of view. That is a rather weak argument. You see, we have something that we view the world and everything in it called a worldview. As Christians, we intepret the world and everything in it(History, philosophy, politics, etc.)through the lens of Scripture. An atheist inteprets the world in accords with himself and the presupposition that God does not exist. Within the past century, the philosophies of neo-darwinism,post-modernism, and Marxism have crept into the American way of life. The sad thing is a majority of Christians themselves have embraced those ideas. Christians today do not have any discernment at all.
-Secondly, Christians need to have a better grasp at spelling and proper grammar. It is a shame to Christianity and Church of Jesus Christ that Christians do not know how to spell basic words. When unbelievers read writings from the average Christian, they might view Christianity as full of unintelligent,retarded,dumb people. Sorry that I said those three unpleasant words, but we need to differentiate ourselves from the unintelligent by raising the bar. Christians need to learn how to write and how to spell words such as wednesday, Christian, or even the word "for"( Which most people use the number 4 instead of the word) We need to show a lost and dying world the light not by being apart of the darkness, but by being more Christ-like.
-Thirdly,name calling is not going to get you anywhere. It is just going to make things worst. Calling somebody stupid is not an effective way to debate. Proper debate is about the topic your debating and never about the person your debating. What this unbeliever did in the debate by calling everyone who argued against a "retart" is not the way to portray your position. Even Christians said things such as "I hope you burn in hell" and called the atheist names. Guys, we are suppose to represent Christ in all that we do. I hate to say this, we are becoming more like the world and less like Christ.
Free Online Books
Here is a list of free books that you can read online!'s Republic) War by John Bunyan) in America by Alexis de Tocqueville) Progress by John Bunyan) of the Christian Religion by John Calvin) Rex by Samuel Rutherford) Shall Have Dominion by Kenneth Gentry) Jerusalem Fell by Kenneth Gentry) 1662 Book of Common Prayer) Hebrew Republic by E.C. Wines) This Standard by Greg Bahnsen)'s rhetoric) the Laws of War and Peace by Hugo Grotius) Restored by David Chilton) of Vengeance by David Chilton)'s Republic) War by John Bunyan) in America by Alexis de Tocqueville) Progress by John Bunyan) of the Christian Religion by John Calvin) Rex by Samuel Rutherford) Shall Have Dominion by Kenneth Gentry) Jerusalem Fell by Kenneth Gentry) 1662 Book of Common Prayer) Hebrew Republic by E.C. Wines) This Standard by Greg Bahnsen)'s rhetoric) the Laws of War and Peace by Hugo Grotius) Restored by David Chilton) of Vengeance by David Chilton)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Foundations of American Society part 2
In order to restore the foundations of American greatness, we need to restore the church of Jesus Christ. We as Christians are given a mandate to dominion. We need to pray that God will send a revival upon His Church. We must repent from our laziness and apathy and start carrying out the great commission(Matthew 28). If we don't start doing this now,it will pay for it dearly in the future.
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